Lasting Color

fall-vaseThe sun shines and the clouds float. Aspens on Colorado hillsides remind me of the wild golden colors of Van Gogh. Although green leaves still cling to the trees outside my window, cooling nights indicate that fall is coming and those leaves could loosen and fall with one strong windstorm. Or even a determined Colorado breeze.

But I don’t need all those prognostications. (A popular website declares, “Smart is sexy, learn a new word every day”!) Fading, wilting stems in my patio flower box proved that summer is nearing its end so this weekend I pulled up the few lingering, spindly sad plants. But before heading to the dumpster with the dry litter, I clipped the blossoms you see here. I’m determined to hang on to the bright colors of spring and summer as long as possible even as I anticipate weather changes, wooly sweaters, soups and stews.

We can’t stop the weather. And we can’t stop inevitable life change either. Within just a few days this past week we heard news from three special friends “of our generation” who face potentially serious health challenges. Even without such medical issues, every time I carry bags of groceries (or bags of library books!) up our condo steps I’m reminded that my days of spring and summer are becoming fewer.

But as I placed these red and gold flowers in a small vase, I was reminded that God provides “color” for all my days. I am choosing to remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever… That God boldly declares over me, Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

If I knew how to Photoshop,© I would emblazon those promises on the flowers in my small vase. When the petals finally drop, the promises remain.

2 thoughts on “Lasting Color

  1. Great thoughts, Marilyn. Thank you for reminding us of our unchanging, eternal God. The one who loves us with an everlasting love–even when we, like all around us, appears to be fading a little!


  2. I had to get an 80th Birthday card for my cousin today. I can hardly believe he is beginning that decade we always thought first belonged to grandparents and then our parents. Truly we can all grasp hold of the truth that God ‘renews’ us afresh every morning and ‘lifts us up on eagels wings’ to sore above any of our physical fralities.

    Thank you Marilyn for reminding us that we can focus on true, brillant color throughout our life as it can represent abundant life to us…


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